Friday, 14 January 2011

Final Thriller idea

final idea

Interior Taxi- Girl gets in the back of the cab, people are talking outside, music and lights a flaring as she gets in the cab and shuts the door the conversation is muffled as is the music, we pull off.

Taxi driver looks through the wing mirrors and the rear view mirror and angles them at her begins talking to her after getting out and helping her with her seatbelt as it is stuck he steals her purse and as he drives he begins asking her questions about her student card and her university details telling her they have things in common.

Driving through the city with foreign music playing in the background speaking in a different language on the intercom we will subtitle this conversation.

After having dramatic shots like the drivers eyes in the mirrors and him adjusting it to see other parts of the girls body better.

They talk for a while and we see that they are now out of the city centre and on country lanes our girl is now asleep in the back of the cab and our taxi driver is looking nervous maybe sweating.

We then go to a blackout and we hear sound effects such as tires screeching, car doors opening, footsteps in the gravel, girl asking the cab driver what he is doing and finally screaming and we finish on a silent black scream.

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